

CONTACT of Mercer County, NJ’s training program teaches compassionate listening skills, telephone crisis intervention, suicide prevention and more during the 10-week training course. Representatives from community programs speak on a variety of topics. Taking the CONTACT training course is a great way to become a better listener and help other people at the same time. And giving back helps you, too.

Classes are open to anyone 18 years of age or older (and out of high school), who are motivated to help others. Due to the sensitivity of crisis services, trainees will be required to sign a release for a criminal background check.

College students are encouraged to enroll in training. It may be possible to earn college credit for internships on the CONTACT Listening Line, and/or 988.

CONTACT provides extensive training courses on Active Listening and Mental Health Topics as well as ASIST training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and Mental Health First Aid training.

Check back for more details about our Training Courses. Click here to register today.

CONTACT of Mercer County, NJ’s training program teaches compassionate listening skills, telephone crisis intervention, suicide prevention and more during the 10-week training course. Representatives from community programs speak on a variety of topics. Taking the CONTACT training course is a great way to become a better listener and help other people at the same time. And giving back helps you, too.

Classes are open to anyone 18 years of age or older (and out of high school), who are motivated to help others. Due to the sensitivity of crisis services, trainees will be required to sign a release for a criminal background check.

College students are encouraged to enroll in training. It may be possible to earn college credit for internships on the CONTACT Listening Line, and/or 988.

CONTACT provides extensive training courses on Active Listening and Mental Health Topics as well as ASIST training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and Mental Health First Aid training.

Check back for more details about our Training Courses. Click here to register today.